Values to use for each parameter

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show_lists=’all’All → view both expired and in grace period courses
grace → View only grace period courses
expired → View only list of expired courses
expiration_title=’Expired courses’This is used to set the title of the expired courses list
grace_title=’Grace Courses’This is used to set the title of the courses in grace period list
days_left=1If set to 1 → This will show a countdown for courses that are about to expire starting from grace period to expiry date.
user_id=xSet x to a specific user id if you want to view their expired or in grace period courses list.

If a user retakes the course, the new certificate will show with new dates, and the refresher date will be pushed for another period. Old certificate and data will be stored in user meta as history.

Shortcode to view all certificates of courses (Expired and current certificates) [ldrh_user_course_history  title=’Courses History’ courses_label=’Courses’]

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Values to use for each parameter

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