How Tutor LMS Works
Create Unlimited Courses
Tutor LMS doesn’t limit the number of courses a user can add to their catalog. Create as many as you want to reach the mega target audience to cover all areas within a certain industry or niche.
Advanced Quiz Creator
Choose from several questions and answer types like short answer, ordering, open-ended, true-false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching.
Gutenberg-Compatible Design
Create a functional learning resource that will run smoothly. Work with three custom Gutenberg blocks, including Student Dashboard, Instructor Registration Form, and Student Registration.
Get In Touch With LMS Expert Team And Have Your Tutor LMS Customized Solutions
Tutor LMS Customization Services
Tutor LMS Customization Services
Custom Add-on Development
LMS Experts delivers you custom add-ons to increase your existing Tutor LMS functionality. Our experts will help you build the perfect elearning platform for your website.
Tutor LMS Theme CustomizationLMS Experts provides Tutor LMS theme customization services for your learning management website. We understand that every aspect of your website must be lightweight, fast-loading, and SEO-friendly.
Third-party IntegrationWe provide additional functionalities for your Tutor LMS by integrating it with ready to use third-party plugins and add-ons.
Front-end Student DashboardWe provide Tutor LMS customized front-end student dashboard solution so your students can see their course status,
progress, notifications, and announcements.
Payment Gateway IntegrationWe help your Tutor LMS website accept payments instantly and effortlessly. Consult with our experts for a wide range of payment gateway solutions for your business.
BuddyPress IntegrationWith BuddyPress support, Tutor LMS helps you communicate with your students via the WordPress forum. Learning is all about making a like-minded community and sharing knowledge.